Lesley L. Smith
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Pubblicato 15 maggio 2016 da Smashwords Edition
Meant to grasp a little physic to adolescents, this novel is based on a flippant use of quantum mechanics, just learnt from the new teacher of theoretical physics, by a couple of not extactly model college students, who use it to illegally enrich themselves by robberies. The beautiful teacher, with the help of her new, charming boyfriend, in turn trained in the uses of quantum mechanics, gets involved in the fight against the two new supercriminal, that she defeats in a battle full of special effects.
Novel for teenagers, as I said, with all the limits of the genre: the beutiful professor has obviously an ex-boyfriend who cheats on her as she looks away; the new boyfriend is obviously beautiful and with wonderful blue eyes, despite being a Chicano; the two young students mastered in a short time quantum mechanics, acquiring super powers that not even Superman, and so on.
The dialogues are very childish and very often the cause-effect relationships are not very clear.
That said, for the sake of physics, you can give it in reading, provided that the readers have no more than 18 years.
Lesley L. Smith, Ph.D. has earned a
plethora of degrees, including a M.S. and a Ph.D. in Elementary Particle
Physics. In 2012, she added to her collection by completing her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill University. Dr. Smith’s short science fiction has been published in several venues, such as "Analog Science Fiction and Fact," "Daily Science Fiction," and Nano Meets Macro. She is an active member of the Science Fiction/Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW), and is also the founder and editor of Electric Spec.
Smith has held a variety of scientific jobs, including investigating
quarks, dark matter, extrasolar planets, clouds, atmospheric chemistry,
and global warming. She has worked for a variety of research
institutions, while her nonfiction articles have been published in
venues that include the Physical Review and Modern Physics Letters. She is a long-time member of the American Physical Society (APS) and The American Geophysical Union (AGU).
For more information, connect with Dr. Smith on her
The Quantum Cop is now available on
Smashwords and
Barnes & Noble.
The next stop on the tour will be Lori's Reading Corner
Inteso come strumento per far digerire un po' di fisica agli
adolescenti, questo romanzo si fonda sull'uso disinvolto della meccanica
quantistica, appena appresa dalla nuova insegnante di fisica teorica,
da parte di un paio di studenti universitari non esattamente modello,
che se ne servono per arricchirsi in modo illecito a suon di rapine. La
bella insegnante, con l'aiuto del suo nuovo, affascinante fidanzato, a
sua volta istruito negli usi della meccanica quantistica, viene
coinvolta nella lotta contra i due nuovi superdelinquenti, che
sconfiggerà in una battaglia a colpi di effetti speciali.
per adolescenti, come ho già detto, con tutti i limite del genere: la
bella professoressa ha ovviamente un ex fidanzato, che la tradisce
appena lei gira lo sguardo; il nuovo fidanzato è ovviamente bellissimo e
con meravigliosi occhi azzurri, nonostante sia un chicano; i due
studentelli padroneggiano in brevissimo tempo la meccanica quantistica,
acquisendo superpoteri che nemmeno Superman, e via discorrendo.
I dialoghi sono molto infantili e, molto spesso, i rapporti di causa-effetto non sono molto chiari.
Detto questo, per amor della fisica, lo si può dare in lettura, purché i lettori non abbiano più di 18 anni.